Friday, 30 November 2012

Call sheet:

Vancia Fenton Photographer

Photo Shoot assignment / Call sheet



Date: Monday 12th November 2012                              Timeline:


Time: 10:15– 11:25am                                                        10:15am: Meet in media block and

                                                                                                      Check everyone is in the right attire

Assignment: Photo Shoot assignment                                              


Location: College Studio & Outside                                            10:15pm: Shoot Time


Photographer:                                                                                   11:25pm: Shoot finished

Vancia Fenton



 Stylist:   Vancia Fenton                                                Concept model one: need to have a cool sense of
                                                                                            style it need to wear a fur coat and a party dress. 
                                                                                  Concept model one: need to have a cool sense     
                                                                                  style. jeans shirts hats (look like it a winter season).


Model 1: Eronside
Model 2: Sheena
Model 3: Nahida


Special Instructions:

Bring a statement piece of clothing.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Magazine front cover: starting

This is my main image for my front cover. in lesson today, I took a wide, head and shoulders shot but I cropped it smaller to use in my magazine as a front cover. My next step is to add the coverlines and masthead. I think this image works well because of the brown fur coat which shows class and the black leather jacket and red lip stick helps to give the hiphop artist appearance.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


This is a short clip of my housestyle that I was presenting to the media class, talking bout my ideas for my music magazine.