Monday, 15 October 2012

Newsstand task


· I went Tesco and took a photo of the music magazine section. They are displayed at the top of the magazine newsstand but each magazine article has its own space so it allows the target audience to see the whole magazine cover without having to move anything.

· There weren’t many music magazines in the store but from what I discovered I realized the same is all filled up the magazine cover.

· The masthead in each magazine is bold, big and in capital letters. Also, the color of the masthead stands out from the background color of the magazine front cover.

· The cover lines are written on the left third of the magazine front cover. There are always at least 3 cover lines but they normally have 5 max.

· On the front cover there is only one centre image and it takes over most of the front cover of the magazine.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Evaluation: For student magazine


Whilst making my student magazine, I think my photography went well because, I was able to take a multiple of pictures from different shot angles / types, and every picture I took went according to my student magazine plan. In my plan I wanted to have a picture of a male student that plays basketball to be my front cover. I was able to take a mid-shot of a boy holding a basketball in a sports wear kit as my front cover. Then I took a mid-shot of the boy shooting the ball into the net and placed it on the contents page. However, I needed to take more picture of other things relating to the college because it not a sports magazine. So I decided to take a wide shot image of the entrance of Leyton Sixth Form College. I also, took a shot of another student revising and completing working in the library.

I didn't really manipulate my images on PhotoShop, I only cropped and made my images smaller so they could all fit on the page.

I think my layout worked really well because I had enough space to include everything that I suggested in my plan. My front cover was made in PhotoShop, on the front cover I made the main image the background and had the cover lines on the left hand side of the magazine. But I had a slogan saying "commit to be fit" near the bottom of the magazine. I placed the bar code on the bottom left of the page, and the Facebook / Twitter links advertising my magazine. My contents page was made in InDesign, on my contents page I drew guide lines so my text doesn't go over to the side I wanted have my pictures. Also I drew a guide line for my contents page title so that if I was to increase the size it wouldn't affect my contents information or images. On the left hand side the headings with sort description what would be inside my magazine, I did this so my target audience (college students) can have a brief understanding about what my magazine is about, without having to read it all. The images I took with a camera I placed them on the right. The images are another way of letting my target knows what my magazine is all about but from a visual aspect.

My Masthead is called "LSC" which stands for Leyton Sixth Form College. I thought this was a good title because the magazine is for Leyton college students and it is short, simple and easy to read. Also my target audience would know what LSC stands for straight away without me having to give them a definition. I didn't use image manipulation but I used it on the masthead. I did this by using a PhotoShop shop tool called "    ", I then when further to changing the angle. This allowed me to make my magazine look more attractive and my masthead stand out and catch the target audience’s eyes. My masthead was in capital, white, bold letters. I used the font called "     " in PhotoShop because I thought it was simple but had a bit of a style to it and I didn't want my masthead to take away the attraction from my main image, which this font helped me to do.

 On my front page of my magazine I had cover line on the left side of the magazine saying "enter competitions…" and “trip to New York...” and “healthy eating...” I was trying to advertise a wide range of different events / things happening in the college. I thought by putting a competition of going to a big city like New York on the front cover, would allow me to have more students interested into my magazine because everyone always has an interest in America. Plus it would be seen as a mini holiday from all the hard work they have been doing.

I didn't write a lot like an article but I think my journalistic style of writing went really well, because I didn't use slang and I have the correct grammar and punctuation in the appropriate places. Also I didn't make my brief paragraphs under each sub-heading on my contents page seem as a story. 

If I was to make any improvements on my magazine front cover it would be,

  • I would take the picture again but have the individual against a white background
  • Add more of a stylish writing to my cover lines
Also, on my contents page I would improve

  • Add more colour because it was  bit plain.
The three key points for development when producing the main task (music magazine) are:

  • Making sure the individual in my photography is standing in a plain n background because that takes away the attraction from my magazine front cover.
  • Add more colours to my front cover and contents pages attract my target audience eyes to my magazine.
  • I would make sure I focus on the target audience because they would be the ones buying my magazine.

Student magazine contents page

Student magazine front cover

This is my student magazine front cover. I did my own photography and I follwed my creation from my plan.

Student magazine plan preview

This is a drawn up version of what my student magazine plan and contents page would look like.

Plan for magazine


Cover front page: LCS

·         On the front cover of my magazine it would be a boy with a football “commit to be fit”

·         Cover lines of different things happening in the school

·         Competitions & prizes

·         The colour theme would be blue, white and yellow

Contents page: LCS

·         interview

·         Universities

·         Money

·         Achievements

·         Trips

·         Competitions

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Case study: pg1

Case study: pg2

Case study: pg3

Case study: pg4

Case study: pg5

Media kit (Vibe magazine)

The audience was adults males and females, 55% of males like it and 45% females it. This is a 10% difference. The different isn’t as big compared to other magazine media kits. In my magazine, I aimed at males and females which helped me to have a wide target audience. In the different age ranges 21+ was the most popular with 82% therefore I thought this would be a good reason to make my audience a little bit younger starting from 16+ which would make my magazine more popular in the media. Being employed was more popular than being in college that’s why I aimed mine at the working class because they would be able to afford my magazine monthly. Black/African American was 75% but the other ethnicities failed to even make it passed 16%. Therefore I made my model for my front cover have the same ethnicity because that was the main attraction,I think this is popular for the Hip-Hop genre.