The audience was adults males and females, 55% of males like it and 45% females it. This is a 10% difference. The different isn’t as big compared to other magazine media kits. In my magazine, I aimed at males and females which helped me to have a wide target audience. In the different age ranges 21+ was the most popular with 82% therefore I thought this would be a good reason to make my audience a little bit younger starting from 16+ which would make my magazine more popular in the media. Being employed was more popular than being in college that’s why I aimed mine at the working class because they would be able to afford my magazine monthly. Black/African American was 75% but the other ethnicities failed to even make it passed 16%. Therefore I made my model for my front cover have the same ethnicity because that was the main attraction,I think this is popular for the Hip-Hop genre.
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